The Justin Times

From business to spiritual, from relationships to communication, selling, marketing and motivation. An eclectic guide to living a better life.

My Photo
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

I've been a professional speaker, strategist, writer and entrepreneur for over twenty years. My expertise is in personal development, marketing and attitudinal training. My most requested seminar, “How To Take ‘No' For An Answer and Still Succeed” was first published in 2001 and is now an updated e-book with some great bonuses, which you will find at . My work is passing on guidelines for succeeding and surviving in our ever-changing world. I view success as a term to be defined by each individual. Today I'm and entrepreneur, doing seminars, writing books, coaching and working with clients, both personally and corporately. If you would like a copy of my free report, How To Use The Power of No, which contains information on the 3 kinds of know and 7 Ways To Immediately Use All NOs to your advantage, visit

Monday, September 25, 2006

Decision Makers - How To Avoid The Gatekeepers

If you needed something or wanted to sell something to
someone, would it be better to go through an intermediary or
would it be better if you could talk with a decision maker directly?

Okay, don’t punch me on the (virtual) shoulder. The answer is
obvious. However, many people feel more comfortable going to
intermediaries first. In most cases, that’s not the best use of
your time.

In business, intermediaries are those such as executive assistants
or midlevel managers and above. One of their jobs is to protect
the decision makers from people who would like to ask decision
making questions. You know, like sales people.

If you're not in sales, hold on. If you’ve been a subscriber for
awhile, you may have read me say, *Everyone is in sales.* We
just sell different things.

Why don’t most people go directly to the decision maker? One

INTIMIDATION. Here’s how to conquer that. . .

Of course, if you’ve read my book on overcoming rejection, “How
To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed,” you’d also know
that fear of rejection is the most likely culprit.

The intermediaries often see their jobs as gatekeepers. In fact,
many are told by their bosses (the decision makers) that is, in
fact, part of their job description.

I’ll suggest some ways to get right through or at least the most likely ways. It won’t always work but it will always be worth it.

Contact the decision maker directly and first.
Q: But what if that makes him/her mad?

A: Even if it does, you might get through and accomplish your

Here are three possible scenarios in attempting to get to the top
1. He/she actually answers the phone and either buys from you
or takes your offer under consideration.
2. You get a very able assistant who won’t let you in.
3. You get to him/her eventually and get a resounding, NO!

You may have to do a little research first. The amount of time
you take should be in direct proportion to the potential value of
your outcome.

Be sure that you know the name of the person you’re calling. It’s
amazing but some people ask for “the president” or the CEO but
don’t find out the name.

If it’s a large company and you’re calling the CEO, which you
should feel free to do, call the main number. If you get a virtual
response with prompts such as, “If you know your party’s
extension. . .” etc. Wait, just in case there is an employee
directory. If there isn’t, try 411. If that doesn’t work, dial “0.”

Once you get an operator, say that you’ve got to take another call but that you can’t find (his/her name’s) extension and ask for it. If you get it, great. Write it down and call back. If you can’t dislodge it, then just say thanks and hang up.

If you didn’t get the extension, call back and see if the prompts give you a clue as to extensions or departments. Call any one,
when you get a live person (hopefully) explain that you must
have the wrong extension. Ask them for your decision maker’s
extension. Use first and last name, not Mr. or Ms.

If, when you call the extension, you get a gatekeeper, say this,
being firmly but casually; “This is ___, for (their first name only)

You might get right through. If asked what it’s regarding, you
can say one of two things, what it’s about or, that it’s a personal
matter. The latter is true as it’s personal between the two of

If you get through to the Big Cheese and you are then told to
call down the line, it’s still much better. When you call the
employee that the boss told you to, you are coming from the
top down and you’ll get a much better reception.

If you are told in no in no uncertain terms, no. Continue on. Ask
if he/she knows of any peers that they might suggest who might
find value in your offer. Surprise! Sometimes, just to get rid of
you, they’ll give you a name AND number.

Regardless of the answer, do this, hardly anyone else will. Send
that person a thank you card, thanking them for their time and
hopefully, their order or whatever they’ve agreed to. If they said
no or where even rude, do it anyway.

Several years ago, when I owned part of a multimillion dollar
company complete with my own gatekeepers, a very determined
ad specialties salesman finally got through to me. I was busy,
tired of hearing from him and I’m afraid I was more rude than I
should have been. I quickly ended the call saying we had no need
for his stuff. A few days later I got a card. No sales pitch, just a
thank you for at least taking his call. I was already feeling guilty
for being so abrupt. That guy eventually got a nice order from
me. And, it was a win-win. He had good products and they
worked for us.

Here are some other quick tips:

• Do a Google or other search, using the name of the person,
their company and the area code for where the office is and this;
“ext” You can also do variation of the search, using the full name,
and terms like, member, club, charity, foundation, board member,
etc. You may not get a direct number, but you might find out
other interests he/she has and bring those up when you talk.
• If this person is in your industry you probably know others
who also know him/her. Ask around, request an introduction.
• If you can’t get through, write a letter on your letterhead. Mark
it personal. Do a professional heading, and make the salutation
familiar by writing, Dear (first name), I look forward to speaking
with you next week. I’ll phone promptly at 10:00 A.M. Once again,
I appreciate your time. Be on the watch, you might get a direct
call back from your intended or the gatekeeper. Be sure to call
exactly on time. You might be pleasantly surprised.
• Never lie. Don’t say things like, “he’s expecting my call.” or,
“We met before. . .” etc.
• Go to and get his book, “To Be Or Not
To Be Intimidated.” It’s full of AHAs!

Yes, you might not get through, you might even feel
embarrassed if you get caught not

You’d be surprised how many times persistence is appreciated
and acknowledged from the top. That’s usually how they got to
that position. Keep your awareness high enough to know when
to stop, slow down or change tactics, but not too soon either.

Keep on keeping on. If your goals and ideals are worthy to you,
you will. If they aren’t. . .well, what do you think?

The beginning,


P.S. Save $10.00 right now.
If you haven't read my book, “How To Take No For
An Answer And Still Succeed,” It's now an ebook with great
bonuses, with more coming.
Go to;

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Promoting YOU (2)

The Second Step In Promoting YOU

Note: If you didn't see the First Step. . .please visit

We are now communicating in many ways via the Internet. From
email to VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol-phones through our
computer's Internet connections like SKYPE and Vonage), IM
(Instant Messaging) and even through websites.

In part 1 we discussed email signatures. Let's stay with the
written word. It's the most long lasting and makes the greatest
impression on others.

This is all about promoting YOU. Your imprint on others,
especially in business.

There are many personal applications to this as well, such as for
online dating. The power of the written word can't be

One woman said, in an article I read, that she's dating a much
different man than she used to date. I think she meant
physically, as she is quite stunning as he is quite ordinary
looking. She was taken by his written words. Not elegant but
because of his style and clarity.

This is most important, you do not have to be a *good* writer
to be highly effective. You do have to be clear.

Confession time. For those of you who've read a fair amount
of my writing, you already know that I'm no grammarian. In
fact, if it weren't (wasn't?) for spell check, I'd have probably
mispelled it too. In fact, I just mispelled, misspelled.

My most professional writing always goes to an editor. That
is, when I'm being paid directly for writing. The same would be
true were I to apply for a job in writing. Every word and line
would be checked in advance by an editor.

But let's stay with day to day. With us, I'm more familiar but
not completely lax, at least I hope not! The point when writing
like this is clarity and personal style. This is more of a one-way
*E-versation.* A word I just made up.

The most casual of all e-versations is the IM. Slang and code
shoots back and forth like a Civil War volley. Let's concentrate
on email and how it promotes you. How it makes YOU look.

There are two forms of business correspondence via email,
formal and casual. The former is a first contact with a potential
business associate or prospect. Crisp, concise and business
like, which seems like common sense. However, a lot of people
maintain a casual breezy style even with potential job prospects.
Some are really horrible. No caps, eternal paragraphs, very poor
grammar, etc.

A more casual business communication becomes more
personalized and even stylized. However, no matter what, basic
structure and clarity should always be foremost in mind. We
are viewed by our words and how we place them.

I had a client once who was so unclear in her writing that she
made it seem like an avant-garde talent. She used long
paragraphs and as little basic structure as possible. Her email
program probably capitalized her first words in sentences, which
were about the only elements of proper anything in her missives.

She was well educated and could carry on clear conversations
with no problem. She looked like a fool in print. She wrote to
potential investors and clients via email in almost the same way.

She was insulted when I pointed this out to her. It was my first
day with her in her office.

Instead of canceling my contract, she finally relented and looked
at her previous correspondence. She was actually horrified, she
had little idea. She thought she was being breezy and informal
as a way to avoid seeming the opposite.

Examine your past emails with others. Are you being clear? How
about appropriate, which means different things to different
people and within different circumstances.

To whom are you writing and for what purpose? Ask yourself
how you might be looking to others who don't know well or at

Don't freak out if you don't like it. Make your changes as you
go. You can overcome any humiliation or rejection in your life. . .

Now watch this seamless transition. . .

That's why I wrote 'How To Take No For An Answer And Still

You can have it on your desktop in moments with all kinds of
bonuses from some of my favorite authors. Really fast! Go right
now to

All the best,

Tom Justin

P.S. Have you picked up my Special Report on how to use your
intuition for business, yet? Everyone from Trump to Einstein to
Oprah admits to using it (not my report, intuition). You can get
it F-R-E-E by visiting here, right now.
this one might really blow your mind!

Copyright 2006 & 2007 All Rights Reserved

You may duplicate this, but only in its entirety for distribution
at no charge and with full attribution and disclosure.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Promoting YOU (1)

Do you sell? If you say no. . .

Anyone who answers no to that question can quickly discover
that they may well be in sales and how to take advantage of that
fact. If you are in sales and don't know it, your sales are down.
Of course you may sleep well because you don't know it anyway.

You are in sales, no matter what you're doing. That's really good
news, even for those who insist that they aren't in sales.

Okay, let's call it marketing, promotion, branding, strategy or
even image enhancement. Anyone who's interested in advancing
in a job, as an entrepreneur and of course, a salesperson, better
be actively selling, promoting, branding, etc.

You are in the platinum age of marketing - the Internet. We have
opportunities beyond what was dreamt even a few years ago!
Even the futurists didn't fully call what's opened up.

How do you and I take better advantage of this? That question
stops a lot of people just as it slowed me down a few years ago.
There are SO MANY CHOICES! What do you do first? How do
you do it? How much will it cost?

I'd like to offer some basic tips here. Mostly what I'd like to
encourage you to do is take it a step at a time and not be
flustered as so many others and I have been throughout this

What's interesting is how many people, even those actively
selling or promoting online, are missing some basic and some
major components that make a difference in their bottom line.

I'm speaking mostly to entrepreneurs here, however, even if you
are an employee there are some Internet skills that are
important for you to follow.

>>E-mail: There are two kinds. Regular that you send out
singularly or in small personal groupings via your email program,
and broadcasting via a service to your opt-in list. You're on the
latter. You've agreed to receive emails from me even if we've
never met. Of course, I hope what you receive is worthwhile as
should you whenever your broadcast to your opt-in list.

When you're back and forth to friends and family you have your
own informal style, just as if you were all sitting around talking.

However, when you're emailing to your market; that is, anyone
who is a potential buyer of your services, you obviously should
have another style.

If you're an employee of a company, your email style is also
important. Even to those whom you are sending informally as
they might get forwarded or even intercepted up the corporate
hierarchy. Within the corporate structure it's often best to
remain professional.

You've no doubt heard that all caps in an email is equivalent to
YELLING. So, don't do it: EVER. Please note; all caps herein
were to make a point and create a smile. If neither just
happened for you, please unsubscribe immediately. : )

I may attempt some humor or irreverence from time to time. I
prefer to speak in my own voice. We have, for the most part,
established a connection. I don't have to worry about some
stuffy CEO looking over my shoulder as I write to you, or worse,
after I've written. I'm the stuffy CEO. Well, not too stuffy, I
hope. Let's continue:

Always insert a relevant subject line. If you're responding to
something that is no longer the subject, remove the Re: and
put a new subject line so that it can be quickly retrieved. The
organized types will appreciate you all the more.

Use paragraphs and structure the same way you would in a
business letter. Now, I always like you to know that I'm no
grammarian and would love to have all my stuff checked before
you see it. I don't. but, I will also use a proper format. Someone
who writes in a constant stream, not bothering to separate into
paragraphs is a pain, even in friend-to-friend emails.

Use proper capitalization and (hopefully for me) punctuation. At
least do the best you can. All lower case is as much a bore as all
UPPER case. It shows a lack of consideration too.

Always use your signature feature in business emails. I have
several, depending to whom I'm sending. My branding site with
a lot of links looks like this:

Tom Justin is president of Command Communications, Inc. A
communications & Strategic marketing firm. Justin is also an
author, personal coach and popular motivational/inspirational
speaker who has spoken before hundreds of audiences throughout
the World.

CCI, through Justin and his associates, has a
background in TV production and consultation of programs
ranging from talk shows to infomercials to corporate videos. -

I have a brief signature that I use to promote my books. What
you will want is to have people click on your site's link. I have
friends who like to forward humor and motivational sites. I
always forward such things to them with one of my signatures.
If they leave it in when they forward it to their list, etc., I may
get an unknown amount of new visitors to my sites.

Whether it's a free report or a link the sales page, there is
always more exposure to the possibility of gaining a new visitor.
Here's what I use for the book, *How to Take No For An Answer
And Still Succeed*:

If You Haven't Been Rejected Recently,
You Aren't Living Close Enough To Your Potential!

Here's Why>

While we're on the subject. . . .
You can have
*How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed*
on your desktop in minutes. Also included are bonuses worth
many times the price. So, visit the site right now and take
advantage of this:
You have a 100% money back guarantee if this book isn't all
we say it is.

If you're a psychologist or other professional, use signatures for
any number of ethical promotions. You can offer a genuine
service by giving away a special report or even a link to a
particular site that would interest many who get your email.

You might have signatures for written for segments of your
email recipients. If you're a speaker, one for meeting planners.
Your book, another or just a simple statement of your work
followed by contact information.

Even if you don't have a website, signatures can be an
additional promotional tool. Howevr, if you do, you will want to
create a site that can only be accessed if the visitor gives you
at least their email address. This is ideally a site that is
offereing something back such as a no charge newsletter or
special report. We'll cover more on that later.

Your email is the lowest Internet tech for marketing and

From the very simple email to Internet broadcasting, promoting
yourself, products, profession or organization. For example, I
have a new client that is offering Internet broadcasting with new
and unique aspects not previously seen before, including full
training. I'll tell you more about that in a future newsletter.

In the meantime, if you haven't already done so, set up some
signatures and start using them. Send me your best signatures
and I'll announce the best one to my entire list. You can tell a
greater audience who you are.

Send them to me at with this in the subject
line: My Signature.

More To Come

All the best,


P.S. I'm going to have some very exciting news for you soon
about how you can use the Internet to broadcast and promote
yourself and your products to the world. I wish I could tell
everyone now. Just watch for it soon.

P.P.S. Do you have my special reports yet?

You can use the power of NO starting right away. This special report is based on my book, but not taken from it, "How To Take No for An Answer And Still Succeed." Go here right now to pick up your zero cost copy;

Your Intuitive Click - Did you know that most of the great thinkers, entrepreneurs, inventors, writers and people of accomplishment in history give at least some of the credit to the conscious use of thier intuition for their success?

You can actually begin using my process right away to begin tapping into your own creative problem solving intuition.

Just visit and order it for immediate delivery to your in box.

Command Communications, Inc.
9811 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 2-343
Las Vegas, NV 89117

Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

You may duplicate this, but only in its entirety for distribution
at no charge and with full attribution and disclosure.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Crash and Quit or Crash and Create

6 Steps You Can Take To Create Before Quitting

When you crash into a mental brick wall do you quit or create?
Are you reactive or proactive? Does victimhood suit you or do
you reject it?

Have you ever crashed? Most of us have. I certainly have. I've
been in at least two car crashes, one plane crash (I lived), one
motorcycle crash, a bus crash and I fell off the side of a very
small mountain once. Oh, and I've been shot, but only once.
That's when I stopped making statements like; 'I've got to
get out more often.'

Those experiences are why I'm so fond of the quote from
Richard Bach's book 'Illusions.' 'If you're wondering if your
mission on earth is complete and you're still here, it's not.'

The kind of crash I'm writing to you about today is the mental
kind. Physical survival can sometimes be easier on the soul than
the extreme challenges that come from within.

A mental crash is any negative event that isn't physical. A death
of a loved one, the loss of a major client, the failure to make an
important sale, disappointment in not getting a raise, the loss of
a relationship from breakup to divorce are all mental crashes.
You can also look at a myriad of daily challenges the same way.
There are problems that seem unsolvable that defeat some
people before any actual losses occur. Quit or create?

When it comes to businesses, companies don't fail, people do.
Whether you're a sole proprietor or part of a conglomerate,
people determine direction, action and reaction. How we solve
our problems and recover from crashes is as a result of our
learning process. Some crash and quit. Some crash and create.

When I began the seminar and then writing the book, 'How To
Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed,' it was about creating
after all kinds of crashes. Heck, I was an expert by then. (For
the story of how the seminar and book came into creation, visit,
http:// )

Creativity has to be called upon to solve any problem - except
when the solution is to quit. We have the power of amazing
resilience. If it doesn't show up we can call it up.

6 Things You Can To Create Instead of Quitting:

1. First, accept what's happened. It has happened, that's it.
Time to decide what's next.
2. Ask yourself if you're being reactive or proactive.
3. Then ask yourself this question, 'If I don't quit, what's the
best thing that could happen to me?
4. Then this one, 'How can I make this better?' What can you
do? Write out all the ideas you can think of, no matter how
outrageous they seem.
5. Who can you call on for help or advice? Write out all the
names you can think of. Scan your address book for more.
Don't be afraid to ask. What's the worst thing they could say?
NO! Big deal. If you have a problem with that be sure to read
my book.
6. What positive action can you take NOW to improve your

When you get used to considering your options you won't be so
likely to be reactive. In emergency situations you won't have
time for this kind of thinking. But if you consider these things
when you have the time, you'll be more likely to create positive
actions under the most stressful conditions.

The focus here, however, has to be on the crash and what you
can do to recover. Part of our lessons in life is how we learn to
avoid perilous situations. It doesn't mean they won't happen.
My concentration is on what we do after they happen.

The book that's sold all over the world is now available in an e-book! Including some very special handpicked bonuses that I know you're going love.

If you'd like to know more about these life changing techniques and the many
avenues of conquering rejection go here now;

Do you have our f*r*e*e Special Report, How To Use The Power
Of NO? If not, visit here now:

Command Communications, Inc.
9811 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 2-343
Las Vegas, NV 89117

Copyright 2006 & 2007 All Rights Reserved

You may duplicate this, but only in its entirety for distribution
at no charge and with full attribution and disclosure.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Truth About “The Secret”

I know a secret. I didn’t know it was a secret; but according to
the producers of a new and innovative film, it’s a BIG secret.

If you haven’t seen the viral marketing campaign for this film,
your S*P*A*M filters are set too high. I think it will create a new
standard on many levels of our culture and economy. “The
Secret” will be a pivotal event from Internet marketing to the
ultimate use of media in how we experience and learn more about

The premise of the film is that an Australian filmmaker, Rhonda
Byrne, found an obscure book, “The Science of Getting Rich,”
published in 1910 that helped her discover this “Secret.” She
says that it was her inspiration to do the research that led to
this film. Even though the book is public domain, and they
could charge us for it, they generously allow a no-cost

The marketing story here is ingenious, and the marketing
techniques to bring this film to the Internet and then to the
general public are powerful and complex with a brilliant
execution in every area. From the promotion, which is fun to
see, to the finished product, slickly and competently produced
to the powerful and compelling content, this is something you
simply will want to see for yourself. Everyone will find some
value up to epiphanies beyond their current belief systems.

The preview, which also serves to test your hardware, is
stunning and compelling. The technology for viewing this on a
broadband connection is the best I’ve ever seen. They apparently
allow for lower bandwidths as well.

Now, I get nothing, not a dime for telling you this. If there were
an affiliate program, I’d jump on it and encourage you to do the
same. But, darn it, there isn’t. This is worth viewing for anyone
interested in personal achievement or just getting a better life
than the current one.

I counted 26 “experts” from multiple disciplines. I know several
of them personally, others I have met and/or know much about.
All are, as far as I know, using these techniques toward living their
self-created dreams.

The inference in the promotion of this film is that “The Secret,”
from the beginning of civilization, has been held closely by only
the most powerful and wealthy. The Secret has been away from
the worker bees of society because what would happen if
everyone knew “The Secret?” Who would work for the rich

The truth about this secret or secrets, because there are
certainly many, is that it’s been offered to the masses
throughout history. From Moses to Jesus to Dale Carnegie
and Joe Vitale, secular and religious, the promises have been
that these techniques or secrets would be the way or part of
the way, to achieving our greatest desires.

But these secrets, for most people, have been about as
accepted as a guy on the street trying to sell authentic $100
bills for $5.00. Who would buy that? Not many. The promise
is just T.G.T.B.T. Too Good To Be True.

Most of my adult life has been spent with an interest in self-
development. From philosophy to religion to a layman’s light
reading of quantum physics, I’ve been fascinated by how others
have succeeded. Along the way, I’ve learned and practiced some
of these techniques (the “secrets”) and succeeded right up to
my wildest dreams. I didn’t realize then that my wildest dreams
weren’t wild enough.

I also failed far beyond my ability to understand how far one
could fall. I discovered, more than once, that the techniques I’d
used in difficult times to raise myself up, were the same
techniques that I stopped using when I got into my “comfort
zone,” and began my free fall.

I made millions, lost millions. I failed and succeeded. I’ve been
miserable and contagiously happy, all self-created. The film
illustrates this perfectly.

I learned some time ago that energy is the currency of the
universe. Our gift is given at birth; unlimited access to energy.
Since it’s a scientifically proven fact that all things are energy,
we have enormous access to create what we desire. Maybe
that’s the real secret. All of us can mold this energy and create
what we want. The trouble is, if you’re like me, you forget about
it from time to time.

That we are creative should be obvious, not only as a species,
but also as individuals. In fact, all we do from the time we are
born is create. Of course, it’s not always pretty.

This gift of energy and the ability to create was, I believe, given
by our Creator, call Him/Her/It what you like. What this very
powerful and secular film points out is that we can all tap into
this creativity and begin absolutely immediately to create the
life we desire.

Deliberate action creates deliberate results. For those of us
who’ve studied this science, it’s an excellent reminder that we
may not be using this to our desired outcome.

We are where we are due to the magic of creativity–our own,
whether we like it or not. We don’t have to believe in these
techniques any more than we have to believe in the law of
gravity. We will receive the results of the laws regardless.
Happiness, sadness, poverty or wealth; they are all due to the
magic of our own creativity.

As Jack Canfield points out in the film, his story of lack,
limitation, poverty and failure is the story of us all. The
difference is, those who consciously and deliberately apply the
techniques so clearly spelled out in this very well edited and
illuminating film, are living proof that The Secrets work.

I believe in M.A.G.I.C. Manifestation According to God’s Infinite
Creation. This film shows us how to use it deliberately and
wisely whether you’re religious or an atheist.

. You can view the trailer,
then, if you like it, pay either $4.95 for a once only viewing or
order the DVD for $19.95, with a $5.00 discount if you
previously paid for online viewing. The quality is unlike any other
video you may have seen before.

The Magic Of Manifestation

I’m proud to be affiliated with Joe Vitale, who’s featured in
“The Secret,” and 12 other extraordinary people, with
a program called Manifest Life.

The art and science behind creating miracles ....
It has the most powerful self-empowerment
and manifestation audio, reports, articles, and books that
I've ever seen assembled in one place.

and find out much more.

Command Communications, Inc.
9811 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 2-343
Las Vegas, NV 89117

Copyright 2006 & 2007 All Rights Reserved

You may duplicate this, but only in its entirety for distribution
at no charge and with full attribution and disclosure.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

One-Handed Problem Solving

A Journal For Personal & Business Development
Tom Justin

In This Edition:

Creative Problem Solving – The One-Handed Technique

How To Find Previous Editions AND Take Advantage of Expired Offers

Private Line Coaching

One-Handed Problem Solving

Have you ever been able to help someone sort through a difficult problem and even solve it? Have you wondered why it can sometimes be so frustrating when it comes to solving some of your most difficult problems, especially when it seems so easy to be able to do it for others?

It’s not uncommon that we can see other’s difficulties and potential paths more clearly than we can see our own. That’s one of the reasons that I’ve loved both giving and receiving personal coaching. It’s often easier for others to help us and for us to help others.

But this article is about when you’re alone and need an easy-to-use technique for more creative problem solving.

Information comes to us through a variety of sources. One of the solution techniques is through creative questioning. Because of objectivity this is best done through a third party who has no prejudice or agenda. However, that’s not always possible, especially if you work alone. Here’s a proven technique that you can begin using right now to help solve your problems.

The One-Handed Creative Problem Solving Technique

Choose the problem you want to begin solving.

Imagine your hand as the problem. Bring your arm up, wrist bent, arm fully extended and hold your hand palm facing you. Focus on your palm. Your peripheral vision allows you to see what else is going on around it too.

Now, move your hand up to your face, right at the tip of your nose. Focus on it again. Your peripheral vision is blurred because your complete focus is on your hand with no other clarity surrounding it.

This is called problem conscious. A solution is very hard to come by when the problem is so intensely scrutinized. The challenge is to shift from being problem conscious to solution conscious. Once you’re aware of the problem, the more closely you continue to scrutinize it, the more likely you are to miss the potential solutions.

The reason that it is so difficult to focus, especially alone, is because you don’t have a solution yet. So, all there is the problem, ever present, and therefore the only thing to readily focus on. Problem solving in groups can be equally challenging.

But let’s just bring it down to us, individually. The same closed mindset can overwhelm the first stage of your solving your problem. So, you have to open your mind creatively. This is a manual and easy-to-use process.

Here are some creative solution techniques when you’re working alone:

Clarify the problem and write it into one or two sentences. Be very specific. Write it out. I’ve found that my brain works better when I write it out by hand.

Use a separate piece of paper or 3X5 card. Read it over a few times to make sure it’s what you want. If you don’t like it or ever want to change it, do so. If later, during the solution process, it doesn’t quite fit, throw it away and rewrite your new, clearer version.

Set it aside. You are fully aware of the problem so you don’t need to look at it any longer. Remember the hand/focus analogy.

Now, write out question # 1. What would my life (or business or relationship) look like if I didn’t have this problem? Write this out as clearly with as much space as it takes.

2. List the people who could help you solve this problem; dead or alive and even if you don’t know them.

3. Pick out one person on the list that you don’t know. It could be anyone from Donald Trump to Mother Teresa. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine what they might say to you. Then write it out. Don’t edit, just write what comes to mind.

I’m frequently amazed by what comes out of this exercise. This was best illustrated as the mastermind technique in Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think And Grow Rich.”

4. Choose one living person whom you personally know from the list who could help the most. Do the same process as #3.

5. Is there any reason you can’t contact this person? If not, do so. By now you will have a clear frame around your problem and might even have some ideas to brainstorm with him/her.

6. Write out the things that you think are holding you back from solving this problem.

7. For example, if one has to do with money, you may be dealing with a problem within a problem. You may want to go through the process for this too.

One client told me that she came to the realization that it was just plain laziness on her part. She didn’t think that before, but that’s what she realized. She kicked into gear and got it off the ground.

Problem solving outcomes with others may be determined in how vested they are within their own agendas. If you are in business and can do a true brainstorming session with your associates, you may be solving problems quickly. However, it’s not uncommon for people to simply present their points of view based only on the knowledge known to them and not seek other information or to easily reject other information, simply because of personal prejudice.

There’s the closed approach; “We’ve never done it like that before.” Or, “We’ve tried that, it didn’t work.”

I’ve seen this closed behavior in billion dollar corporate boardrooms as well as small partnerships. The difference with the former is that they have enough assets and access to last longer in solving their problems, though their efficiency suffers greatly, which bleeds time, money and even morale.

The open approach is, “We’ve never tried that, let’s take a look at how it would work.” They examine it, what are the risk/reward ratios, etc. If it’s been tried before, a short examination or review of why it didn’t work might be in order. Being open minded is a key to all problem solving.

Hint: If you have a meeting coming up with a known problem, use the One-Handed Technique in advance. You might look like a genius. In case you don’t, by reading this you absolve me of all liability. Okay?

Even though you may find sub-problems to deal with, you’re on your way to solution. Quick fix? Maybe not. I can guarantee that you will find plenty of AHAs by using this technique. Play with it.

Previous Editions And Expired Specials

There is a bonus item here too. Each one usually has an offer, which is withdrawn after a stated period of time. However, for now, each of those specials is alive and will be good for a limited time. So pick out what you like.

You can choose from the previous titles at the main blog site or you should be able to see them in the left column of this page. Just in case the site is;

My $12,500 Lunch
HBO & Polygamy

F.E.A.R.(less) – First Evaluate According to Risk

How To Get Larry King To Invite You To Lunch
And Other Networking Secrets

Bouncing Reality Checks

My Coaching Services

As of now I have no spots for individual coaching clients. Time and space permitting, I’ll notify you all as soon as there are openings. If you’d like to be considered for a spot, please send an e-mail to and put “Coaching” in the subject line.

Another Recent Interview

Here’s the link to recent interview that I think you'll find helpful. It with Heather Vale, a terrific interviewer and was sponsored by HBO.

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Command Communications, Inc.
9811 West Charleston Blvd., Suite 2-343
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 12, 2006

How To Get Larry King To Invite You To Lunch And Other Networking Secrets

A Journal For Personal & Business Development
Tom Justin

How To Get Larry King To Invite You To Lunch
And Other Networking Secrets

In the interest of full disclosure, that actually happened to me.
How it happened is very funny. Could it happen to someone else?
It’s so far out, who knows? But, it’s a great example of the
power of networking, which is my subject today. More on that in
a moment.

We have two great *Very Special Offers* that are about to end.
This is the first time we’ve had two at the same time.

My seminar DVD that gives an entertaining look at the concept of
my book, “How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed.” We
have a double shipment so you’ll save over $30.00 until we run
out. We still have some left.

Also, for the Holidays, we discounted the E-book version of “How
To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed,” along with the
many bonuses, from $27.00 down to only $14.97. That ends
Thursday, at midnight PST.

Please see the links below.

In seminars and writings, I talk a lot about networking. The most
spectacular example, for me, had to do with Larry King, whom
I’ve long admired. Here’s the very short version and then some
practical tips for personal and digital networking:

After finishing a speech, I had lunch with several attendees. One
of them mentioned that he would be going to a dinner that would
be hosted by Larry King. Whereupon I said, “Please tell Larry
that Tom Justin said to say hello.”

He asked if I knew Mr. King. I said no, but if I can get enough
people to tell Larry King that Tom Justin said to say hello, he’ll
think it’s his fault that he doesn’t know who I am.

The man laughed, said he’d do it. Two weeks later he called and
said that he told Larry that I’d said hello. I asked what Larry’s
response was, and he said that Larry said, “Oh, thanks.”

It was just a silly statement, right? Within a couple of weeks
after that someone else I’d just met happened to mention that
they would be at a fund raiser where Larry King would be the MC.
I told him the story and he agreed to say hello to him for me.

The odds of what continued are so far out, I might not believe
this had it not happened to me. Three other such encounters
took place in the space of months. each person agreeing to tell
Larry that Tom Justin said to say hello.

On the fourth time, from a friend of his I’d just met, I asked
what his response was when she told him Tom Justin said hello.
She said that he replied, “How is Tommy?”

A few weeks later I was invited to a Friar’s Roast in Beverly Hills
where we met and he invited me to lunch. I just shook my head in

I don’t mean to name drop, but since then, we’ve had many great
lunches and meetings, and we’ve done a small bit of business
and almost wrote a book together. The latter never moved
forward due to contractual problems. In the meantime he’s
introduced me to others who’ve become friends and

I told the long version of this story in one of my seminars and
received one the biggest laughs I’ve ever had.

Larry had a tough childhood and still has that air of Brooklyn
about him, but with a soft heart and kind soul. I think you would
like him.


“Expand your network by one quality person a day, forever.”
Mark Victor Hansen

The purpose of networking is to know more people and to get
more people to know you. This is true in business or in
relationships of any kind. We’ll stick with business today.

Let’s take a look at two kinds of networking; personal and digital.

Personal: A minister friend of mine said once that there are
billions of people in the world. If you’re lonely, it’s your fault!

If you have business and opportunities to present or to find and
you’re not filled with at least possibilities–well, that can change

The obvious is that we have to get out more. If we want to meet
people we have to go where people are. I know, you already know

Go to a big city mall where there are hordes of people. You
might get run over before you can start a conversation. Although
we do train salespeople to go to places like that and create
contacts (called The Magic Bean Technique), however, the best
way is to find like minded people in comfortable surroundings.

Most papers have listings for special interest groups and
meetings. From women’s and service clubs to places of worship.
The easiest places to build familiar relationships are where you
find others like yourself.

Any meeting, group or function that is attractive and interesting
to you will yield others who will relate to you. I don’t suggest
that these are the so called networking groups where everyone
is blatantly trying to sell something. If you’ve read the book or
seen the DVD, you know my feelings about those.

Here’s what I’ve found to be helpful. If you aren’t shy, introduce
yourself to whoever is standing still. Ask a question, such as
how long they’ve been a member or how they like this group,

If you ask someone what kind of work they do, they will tell you
and then ask what you do. Most people think they need to sell
themselves when the most impressive thing they can do is show
an interest and curiosity about others. they will like you better
for it and not know why.

Never ask for a business card, offer to exchange cards. If this is
someone whose information you want, the use of the word
exchange creates a sense of fairness. You’re handing over your
card, if they don’t have a card, you can offer them a small pad
(which of course you have handy) for them to write their contact
information, most importantly, their e-mail address.

When you receive a business card, do what the Japanese do, look
at it. Make a comment, sincere compliment, or ask a question,
such as the cross street or have you been in that location long? etc.

***********VSO – A Very Special Offer***********
50% OFF
For the next 24 hours only, We’re discounting my e-book
version of , “How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed,”
with all the bonuses and benefits included, from $27.00 to only

This link is the only place you can order at this price;
If you want to know more about the book and bonuses, and what
people like Larry King, Jack Canfield, Og Mandino and other have
said about it, please visit; but be sure
to use only this link for your Subscriber's Special;
***********VSO – A Very Special Offer***********

there is a lot more to networking but I hope those simple ideas
will give you more ideas.

Now, the most powerful and the most misused opportunity of the
past two centuries:


You could almost call this digital relationships. We already know
the cautions of this world or should. However, doing business on
the web is now, in just a few short years, not only acceptable
it’s expected.

I have friends who I’ve never met in person. Not because we went
in a chat room, which I seldom do, but because we were brought
together through a newsletter, theirs or mine, or a book promotion, etc.

Our company is involved in joint ventures with people I’ve never
met, and in some cases, never even spoken with by phone.
We’ve had teleconferences and online courses with people who’ve
become friends, customers or acquaintances.

Now, I’m not talking dating but business. There are all kinds of
books about how to do business online. In fact, I’m going to do
a special report soon on the basics and how to get started and
what books and courses that I’ve found to be most productive.

Here are some tips to begin creating digital relationships:

Digital Compliments – If you get an online newsletter or read
something or see a web site that you like or that has helped
you, write the author or the head of the company and pay a
sincere compliment. This is not to get anything but to do just
that show gratitude.

Do the same thing with books you’ve read and liked. I’ve written
several reviews on Amazon and sometimes the author or people
who liked what I said will e-mail me. Some get on my subscriber
list or we might create a dialogue, etc.

For those with whom you identify with or have mutual interests,
you can carry on as things come. You never know.

You might want to create another e-mail account at Yahoo,
Google or Hotmail to avoid Spa-mmers.

Ask Questions – Go to an influential source that could be
important to you and e-mail a question. It’s amazing how some
people that you thought might be unreachable, will come back
with an answer.

People can be contacted through websites, e-zines, etc. You’re
only limited by what’s on the web and what you can access,
including Google and Yahoo searches.

Create Information – Even if you aren’t marketing something on
line, you can create your own newsletter for anything from
hobbies to business. How to do this is best learned from the E-
zine Queen. She’s the best and most thorough I’ve seen yet.
Take a look at her site:

Create Your Own Products – There is more to this than I can
tell you here. You have information and experience that is unique.
You can begin to create electronic products or become affiliates for
others who will take care of everything for you.

For example, affiliates send out information to others via digital
signatures attached to links. If there is a purchase, they
receive a commission that can go from very generous for E-
products to stingy, depending on the vendor. The price to the
customer is the same, whether they order direct or via your
affiliate link.

The E-Zine Queen’s link is an affiliate linked to us. She has so
much information for fr*ee, you have to wonder what else there
could be, but there’s plenty. We’ll be starting our own affiliate
program soon. No charge to register or be involved. But don’t
join such a program unless you are willing to put your name and
belief on someone else’s work.

Watch for a coming report on this soon.

In the meantime, if you have any comments at all, please feel
free to e-mail me anytime. will get to me. I
usually answer quickly, but it depends on my schedule and
travels, etc.

Command Communications, Inc.
9811 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 2-343
Las Vegas, NV 89117

Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

My $12,500 Lunch, HBO & Polygamy

How would you feel if you were interviewed on a radio show to
find out that HBO was sponsoring your show? Well, the reality
is that it’s a complement to the host, who happens to be a
darn good interviewer. You'll see why.

But hey, HBO is HBO and they said we want this show to put
their name on and I happened to be the subject. But then; then
I found out what they’re sponsoring. Is it still a compliment?
More in a moment.

A Journal For Personal & Business Development
Tom Justin

Why pass this on? If you have business associates, friends or
family who could benefit from this information, why not? If you
do, please send it in its entirety.

Those of you who are aware of my work know that I’m not a
great fan of organized networking groups but that I’m a great
believer in networking.

So, if someone said that you could get have a lunch and receive
$12,500 as result, would you look forward to the lunch? Most of
us would. Networking will pay great dividends; the challenge is

The bottom line is getting out. STP, See The People, TTP, Talk
To People. Even though the Internet is a great communication
device (hello!) we’re best at creating relationships face to face.

I didn’t feel like going anywhere, but some friends prevailed. We
went to a light business and social meeting. I met some neat
people. We’re now doing business together that is as far out as
dealing with the producers of the Da Vinci Code film to 500 year
old music that was recently discovered in South America.

They also later introduced me to a fellow entrepreneur who
needed some help with strategy and website copy. He and I had
lunch. He’s a brilliant guy with some great partners and my work
with them started immediately. According to my 1099 that
introduction was worth $12,500. I’ve decided to have more
business lunches!

I made several good friends and new business associates as a
result of taking positive action that was as simple as going out
for coffee one night. Over a year later, the benefits continue.

STP and TTP. Simple, it’s no secret and powerful. You have
something to offer somewhere. You may have a greater
realization by just communicating with others under unique
circumstances. The difference between us is that we have
our own unique backgrounds. We add value to one another by
experienced each other’s uniqueness. Then being available to
others, even if it’s just by interaction.

E-zines, e-mails and that like can bring epiphanies, friendships
and joint ventures. I’ll cover more on this in future e-zines.

Now for the radio show. Some time ago, I was made aware of
an interviewer by the name of Heather Vale. I listened to several
of her shows and was struck by how well she handled herself. I
knew some of the people she’d interviewed and was really
impressed by what she was able to bring out in them.

I was honored that she later asked me for an interview, So we
did it and now it’s available. It’s being sponsored by HBO.

What’s interesting (to me) is that they’re using my interview to
promote their upcoming show on Polygamy. Okay. Well the
show sounds interesting, theirs, I mean. I hope you find ours
helpful and interesting as well. It has nothing whatsoever to do
polygamy. At least I don’t think it does. I will tune into theirs
though. Who knows what we’ll learn.

Here’s the link. it's up on Success Unwrapped with Heather Vale
at Tune in and listen
to her past and upcoming shows and I think you’ll find them as
helpful in your daily life as I’ve found them to be for mine. You
watch, Heather will be a big star one day. HBO isn’t the only one
who is noticing!

If you've got 20 minutes a day,
I guarantee you'll have less stress
and be more motivated than ever before.

Join the thousands who’ve experienced “How To Take No For An
Answer And Still Succeed.”

***********VSO – A Very Special Offer***********
50% OFF
For our subscribers only!
We’re discounting my e-book version of ,
“How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed,”
with all the advertised bonuses and benefits included,
from $27.00 to only $14.97.

If you want to know more about the book and bonuses, and what
people like Larry King, Jack Canfield, Og Mandino and other have
said about it, please visit; and
get it on your desktop now.
***********VSO – A Very Special Offer***********

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Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

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